Why Apple & Arrow?

Lover of Life, Entrepreneur, Consultant, Advisor, Coach, Brand Strategist, Award-Winning Sales Professional, Rational  Optimist, Straight Shooter

Lover of Life, Entrepreneur, Consultant, Advisor, Coach, Brand Strategist, Award-Winning Sales Professional, Rational Optimist, Straight Shooter


I’m Suzi

Apple & Arrow is my dream company. I get to help entrepreneurs and small business owners with growing their business while utilizing my background in branding, sales, marketing and operations.

Times have changed and so have the ways that entrepreneurs run their businesses. From keeping up with new marketing techniques to hiring and managing 4 generations of employees in small groups. There’s no shortage of things to learn.

My role is to help meet you where you’re at and come up with solutions to remove any barriers that might stop you from hitting your goals.

Here’s how we can work together:

  1. Consulting sessions by the hour. I’m your sounding board, your outsources CXO. I’m here to listen, advise and solve problems in ways that are creative and specific to your business and your needs.

  2. Project based support. From setting up your CRM system to guiding and training your staff, we set a goal, an action plan and deliverables to help you move forward.

  3. Sign up for a member group (Coming soon…)

Fun Facts

NICKNAME: Suzi, Soupie, Sue, Suzie Q, Sue-Bee, Froggie Mamma, Chief, Downtown (My Actual name is SuzAnn)

AGE: Proud to be 50 as of 2022

FURBABY: 100 lb Black Rescued Lab Mix

TWO LEGGER: 13-year-old step-son who helps me appreciate the world and put things in perspective

STATUS: Happily married. And as my wedding planner in Greece said “May your second be your last.”

SECRETLY: Wants a tattoo but never commits to getting one

CAREER: Nearly three decades of sales and marketing leadership including owning a marketing and design agency for 8 years, a consulting agency for 2 years, and carrying the titles: Chief Marketing Officer, Senior Director, Applications Specialist, Marketing Consultant, and more. (See LinkedIn for more background)

CAN SPEAK: Directly. (You’re not paying for bullshit)

LOVES: Travel, delicious wine, hiking, snowshoeing, alpine touring, cooking dinner for friends, being outside, working out, yoga, dancing in the kitchen, rescue animals and the organizations that care for them, shiny things, and laughing my ass off with my friends and family


REFORMED: Introvert

FAVORITE SAYINGS: “The Juice is Worth the Squeeze” “Worse Things Happen at Sea” “Happy to Be Here!”

CURRENTLY WORKING ON: Finishing my book. This could be the year!

COLLEGE: University of Delaware #GoBlueHens!

DEGREE: International Relations with a minor in History

What People Are Saying


I had ideas of how to begin my plans for my new business teaching poetry, but after the first wave of students, people started falling off. I was lost at what to do next. I was repeating old patterns from being a long-time Yoga teacher and needed some help getting unstuck through learning how to manage and move my new business forward. Suzi Bahnsen listened well to some vague ideas of mine and immediately got inside of the process with me in a delightful and buoyant way.  She helped me visualize, organize and plan. She suggested tangible steps that were unconventional, and exciting. She continues to help me understand how to turn my focus toward my new business. Very delicately and lightly she mentioned that many people have self-esteem issues. As we refine what is needed to move forward, I’m learning about myself and my fears. She’s able to meet me where I am and help me with direction, self -worth and work together at my own pace. Her business practices are from a place of abundance, and integral with my belief systems. What I mean to say is, she is honorable and generous and cares for the good of humans. I feel very fortunate to have met Suzi and continue our work together.”



No one is you- and that’s your power.

Chat with me

Feel stuck? Let’s talk about it and see what we can do to fix it.